
Friday, February 20, 2009

Memories in Form 1...

It just seemed like yesterday, I walked the steps of secondary school. I entered school a day late, because the letter to enter Keat Hwa II came a day late. I was so frightened, and I still can remember how frightened I was.

I also remember on the day I entered school for registration, Wei Ping was there too, with his mother I think. He too, registered was a day late. Mr. Tan was in charge of the registration at that time. He was the first man teacher I met in my present school.

I can vaguely remember my first week in school, but all I can remember was, the prefects of the school were orientating us Form 1s. And also, I my first homework in school was from my Malay teacher. She asked us to write about our first day in secondary school.

Ah... I'll always remember form 1. I still can remember I got into a fight with a classmate of mine. I was rather small last time, and some of the other boys would bully me. But still, that toughen me up. I also can remember I got a fright in my third exam, because I failed my malay paper and got no. 37 in class. Haha.... Memories ^^...

My biggest regret in form 1, is quitting the cadet police. Sigh... Maybe, I'd be much tougher now. *sobs* Anyway, the pass is the pass, unless someone invents a time machine, I can't change anything.


Lee said...

Quitting Cadet police is the best choice yeah!!!!

Macro 丁 said...

i already forget about from 1 thing.
tat all is negative thing.

Daniel Ting said...

to Lee:
i don't think so wor...

to FZTeng:
all negative?