
Sunday, April 4, 2010

MYF+Impactors Easter Party 2010! =)

MYF+Impactors Combined Easter Party 2010! =D

I guess it was a great success? I think overall there were about 100 youths or more who attended this youth service. =) The speaker for the night was Uncle Moses Chua from FGC.
Registration Booth.
Joseph Foo.
The MCs for the night.
The food was, urm... I think a little unappetizing? I think NS food is much better than this! Mainly, because there weren't a dish with sauce. So basically, the food was a little dry.
Win & En.
Ed & Sam.
After the light dinner, we had a sharing from two Aarons, one was our own Aaron from MYF. He shared about his testimony when he was small, and how Christ has changed him after he grew to know Him better and better as the years went by.
Aaron Y.
The other Aaron was different. I'm not sure where is he from, but his testimony is a powerful one. He shared to us, that he was once a serious drug addict. He would take A LOT of drugs just to satisfy his needs. He has been into jail, drug rehabilitation centre, mental centre,... the places where drug addicts go. He became a Christian soon after his parents accepted Christ. He found joy in the Lord, and he succeeded in stopping his drug addiction. He was a drug addict for 8 years. For the full testimony, I think the WMC Church Website would have a sound clip of his testimony. Mine's just a summary. =D

Oh well, thus, another Easter has come and gone, and I'll be going back to NS later. T.T

1 comment:

Celina Eshlyn said...

the other aaron is from my chc^^