
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Me and My Big Mouth.... @.@

Just yesterday I was saying to myself, "PLKN letter never come, no need to go!". And yesterday itself I received a registered mail from Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara. =.=

And, why must the letter be so THICK?!? Got so many borang to fill.

Let me see... The borangs:
  1. Senarai Semak Notis Pemberitahuan Peserta.
    First of all, a checklist for the number of forms. =.=
  2. Notis Pemberitahuan Peserta dan Slip Pergerakan.
    The main letter with the location and time where we will be gathering, and also the bus ticket. =.=
  3. Buku Panduan Peserta.
    This book contains the akta on PLKN, the telephone numbers of the respective clinics for all the states where we will have our medical checkup, and what we must or must not bring.
  4. Borang 1 (Borang Penangguhan).
    This is one form I won't use... I wish I could though... T.T
  5. Borang Permohonan Pengecualian.
    Another form that I won't use... T.T
  6. Borang Perakuan Kesihatan / Pemeriksaan Kesihatan.
    Medical checkup form?
  7. Borang Pendaftaran Peserta (Lampiran G).
    Registration form?
  8. Surat Kebenaran Pengendalian Senjata M16 (Lampiran I).
    This is a must fill form! xD
  9. Garis Panduan Tatacara Pengendalian Pemeriksaan Perubatan Peserta PLKN olehPegawai Perubatan dan Pakar Perubatan.
  10. Borang Kebenaran Ibubapa/Penjaga.
    Parental approval form.
  11. Spesifikasi Perkhidmatan Perlindungan Insuran bagi pelatih PLKN.
So many forms, right?

And, where am I to get a pakaian tradisi? =.= I don't think I have ever worn one.


小笔大笔 said...

kesian daniel..
u cant have long hair..
a monk~ haha~~

Daniel Ting said...

never mind..
ady 5 years liao...
tat one no pocket money..
this one got..

小笔大笔 said...

= =
wish u happy to be a monk again~~

Daniel Ting said...

come visit me ya... =)