
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Currently Reading... Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...

Currently reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Well, this book is about a boy named Charlie Bucket. He lived with both of his grandparents from both his father's and mother's side. The names of his grandparents of his father's side are Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine. His grandparents of his mother sides were Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina. They all lived together in a small wooden house at the edge of a great town. Their house wasn't big enough for so many people and they were quite poor. Charlie liked chocolates, and he seldom got them. To him, getting a chance to get chocolate was a treat, which was like once a year for him, and that is on his birthday.

His grandparents would tell Charlie about the chocolate factory and tell how it was closed and all the workers were fired due to spies. Willy Wonka, tells all his workers that he is closing his factory forever. But one day, the factory starts to run again, but there is no workers. Nothing goes in, but the trucks are filled each day with chocolates. One day, Willy Wonka sends out 5 golden tickets into the world. The people who gets the Golden Ticket will be allowed to see all the secrets and the magic in the factory. Then, at the end of the tour of the factory, each child will be given enough chocolates and sweets to last them for the rest of their lives.

The Golden tickets were found by Augustus Gloop, a boy who like to eat loads and loads of chocolate, Veruca Salt, a spoiled girl who asked her father to buy plenty and plenty of chocolate bars so that she could get a ticket, Violet Beureguarde, a girl who wants to be a world record gum chewer, Mike Teavee, who likes to watch TV and a fan of violence, and of course Charlie Bucket.

Four disasters occur during the tour. Augustus Gloop fell into the chocolate river and is sucked into a place that makes strawberry flavored chocolate coated fudge.

Next, Violet Beureguarde eats a three-course dinner that is made into a stick of gum. First course, she got tomato soup, hot, creamy and delicious, second course, roast beef. But disaster strikes when she reaches the third course, blueberry pie. She turns blue and swells like a blueberry.

Next, Veruca Salt wants and tries to take a trained squirrel and gets pushed down into the garbage chute. Her parents were pushed down also.

After that, they went to the Television-Chocolate room, where you could take a chocolate, right out of the TV! Mike Teavee gets transported into the TV, and is very small.

At the end of the events, there is a song composed by the Oompa Loompas, the workers of the factory.

Since Charlie was the only one at the end, Willy Wonka gives him the prize, the ownership of the whole factory!!!

I give this book a rating of 9/10. This is definitely a good book to read and to pass time!


Lai Yu Zeng said...

actually the book is so famous that it already being made into a film. Starring Johnny Debp (Jack Sparrow in P.O.Caribbean)Guess you already watched the movie

Daniel Ting said...

Nope.. Haven't watch it before... U read this book before?

Lai Yu Zeng said...

nope, never see it before, not even in library. Maybe it's because seldom I went there

Daniel Ting said...

Library got...
Quite interesting la...
But i think you are more interested in history stories...