
Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday '170308 SU Camp (First Day)

Last Monday (10/03/08), I attended a Christian evangelistic camp. It was the Annual Kedah SU Camp (I missed it last year in Cameron Highlands). The camp lasted from 10th March till 13th March 2008, 4 days and 3 nights. The campsite was located in Harvest Haven, Perak. If you are interested to rent a room there, here is the full address:
Harvest Haven,
PT 4035, Ipoh Country Park,
Mukim Tajah, Daerah Kinta,
Off. Tel. No. 05 - 3593 255
The campsite is great! It is a bungalow equipped with many facilities, like a ping-pong table, a basketball court, a swimming pool and a library. How many campsites you know have all these facilities? We were lucky to get a chance to play basketball, the basketball court was just completed two weeks ago. This whole campsite costs 1.3 million to build, funded by various donaters.

Let's start from the beginning. Early Monday morning, at about 7, Aunty Nancy (Loh's mother) came and pick me from my house to PERUDA. The bus would be waiting for us there. PERUDA is between Pacific and City Plaza. We took off and arrived at the campsite about 2:30p.m. We had stopped twice, once for breakfast at one of the highway stops, and the other for lunch. I had Roti Arab for breakfast, Roti Arab is basically bread and curry. And I had curry mee and two cups of honeydew juice. I regretted taking the curry mee, the curry was very diluted, had a funny herb taste and instead of giving me sambal, she gave me cili padi. CILI PADI??? With curry mee??? Nuts! I wanted to try the stake, but it was too expensive, 16 bucks if i'm not mistaken.

When we arrived at the campsite, we were asked to wait at the meeting room. There, Uncle Ti Peng sorted us into our rooms. I was placed in Room 13, with Tim and Loh. The camp officer staying with us was Jian. We were also given the camp booklet, which was given at every camp.

After unpacking, we went back to the meeting room. Usually, at the start of every camp, there is an ice-breaker. Ice-breaker is an activity that let us to know each other. But in this camp, there was none. Instead, we were divided into groups, 6 groups to be exact. 4 English session groups and 2 Chinese session groups. We were asked to give our group names, invent a victory chant and make a flag. My group name was SWORD. My group members were Jui Shan, Jonathan, Yi Hong, Caren (sorry if i spelled your name wrong) and me. We named it SWORD, because it contained a letter from each of our name.
Jui Shan
Our flag was a picture of a sword. Our victory chant went like this "Sword! Sword! Fight for the word of God!" The other groups were MAKE NOISE, HORAY, DJ KATE. The speakers by the way are: Jimmy Wang, Alan Seow, Mindy and Abel, they are from the Scripture Union.

After ice-breaker, there was still about an hour till dinner. We wanted to play basketball, but unfortunately it rained. So instead, we played ping-pong. I was all hot and sweaty after playing, so I decided to take a bath. I headed to the hall for dinner. Dinner was excellent! Pity about Jian though, he had to wait 30 minutes before he had rice to eat. The caretaker underestimated the amount of rice we could eat. Anyway, this is one of the better food served at camp.

After dinner, played a little ping-pong while waiting for the officer's meeting to finish. The theme of this camp is "Everybody is a Winner!". The first session starts, we had a little worship. This year, the camp was run a little differently. They had stimulation games first then only talk. This made the camp more interesting and less boring. Through the stimulation games, the speaker thought us lessons, we understand what the speaker is teaching because we have just gone through it. We played games that tested our creativity skills, like using dough to make a man that can stand, making a tower out of 15 straws (ONLY straws, you get to use a pen knife though), make a plant made of 5 different leaves and 2 different flowers etc... It was fun and a little challenging. Well, basically, through all the games and later the talk, I've learn that we can't make or create life, only God can. God created everything. God's creation is systematic (can be taken from Genesis 1:2). God has a purpose for every creation. His creation is good and fruitful. After the talk, we had supper. Banana cake, crackers and milo. I was understocked then, no mee in the cup or snacks.

After that, lights out, at 11p.m.

Second day (coming up soon)

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