
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thought of the Day...

I need to focus more on my main goal, my SPM. My SPM is looming nearer and nearer by the day. And I'm beginning to feel stressed up by the thought of it. I still have loads and loads to study...

I am trying to get my focus back... But old habits, like laziness are hard to change, and it might take a month or two before I can get back to my usual hardworking self again. But I'd start now, better earlier than later. And it's hard when there are so many activities and distractions around me. I'm failing in prioritizing what's important and what's not, but I'd start putting what's most important on the top of my list.

I've got to put all the distractions and activities behind me...


Anonymous said...

Jia You ba!

ChoocolateHJY said...


Macro 丁 said...

btw,just try yours best...

Daniel Ting said...

thanks all...