
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tuesday '030407

Things weren't going right from the time I woke up till this moment as I'm blogging. As I dragged myself out of my bed, tired of yesterday's long day. My mother scolded me for waking up late.
That wasn't all bad things I had today. Why can't just people mind their own business? Can they respect people's privacy and not brother about other people's private affairs? Have they got to embarrass people for fun? Can't they just find something better to do than embarrassing people? Don't they know that I have feelings? And if people don't people respect his privacy he too will feel embarrassed? Why don't people just mind their own business?
Is taking people's file containing personal information and spreading them out like a wildfire fun? All I can hope is that these kind of people will wake up one day and mature...
All I can do is pray to God, and help this people to not make people unhappy... and ask Him to help me forgive him...

Well, gtg! Ciya! Happy to lepas geram here...