I'm sure you would be in the dark what is OMK all about, if you have never heard of OMK before. Well, OMK stands for Olimpiad Matematik Kebangsaan, a mathematics competition, which is held annually, to select Malaysia's Maths champion to represent Malaysia in the World Mathematics Olympiad. My form, had 5 representatives, all guys, 3 from my class. :D
Students all around Perlis and Kedah met at the centre an hour before the test started, as required. Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid also sent representatives with at least 8 from Form 6. I happened to know a few of them who came. :D
Sitting for OMK is something new for me. I've not sat for this competition before. It was rather a urmmm... not much of a new experience. Sharing a little about the test... The competition lasts for 2.5 hours. There are 9 questions in this competition. 6 questions requires just the answer, while the remaining 3 requires you to show the working for the solution. The 6 front questions, if answered correctly, will be awarded 2 marks each, while the behind 3 questions if answered correctly with the correct steps will be awarded 6 marks each. And I must say, the questions are not easy!
Can you imagine that the OMK questions had mistakes? Not minor errors, but a MAJOR error! Halfway through the competition, they asked us to change one of the question's positive sign to a negative sign. Such errors shouldn't be made in the first place! Isn't this a Kebangsaan competition?!? What happened to the checking and double-checking of the questions?
Overall, I know I stand no chance in this competition, they others are just too good. I didn't know how to do quite a number of questions. This just shows how weak I am in Mathematics. :( One of my junior, could answer all (except for one question, which he wasn't quite sure of). I guess he will be the champion for this district. :D Keat Hwa boleh!
Anyway, it was fun! I quite enjoyed myself. :D